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Want to know how to increase the duration of the life-span of your vacuum pump? This is a major piece of machinery which plays a major role in the running of your business. There are many vacuum pumps currently in service which may not be fully functioning to their potential output and until the vacuum physically breaks and stops working entirely; this may be something which could go unnoticed. Having a an employee who for some reason or another, be it disease, disability or simply as a result of personal emotional stress which may be on-gong, would have role to play in the performance of that individual on a day-to-day basis. As we move through our daily work requirements a slow build up can occur and the stresses and strains which we are under can have a devastating effect on our performance at work as well as our general health and well-being. To counter-act this, employees are required to take leave so that they can recuperate and recover from the daily grind.

In a similar light, any piece of equipment can experience the same as the result of general wear-and-tear, lack of servicing or problems with some of the components such as oil. Perhaps the environment in which the equipment is being kept is not ideal in terms of moisture or over-heating. On-going exposure to these external factors could play a major role in the under-functioning of the equipment if not identified and addressed. If one does identify that a machine such as a vacuum pump is not functioning to maximum potential would certainly be the right thing to do to take the time to investigate the situation further. This is why IBS believes that it is vital that consideration be made to the care and maintenance of your vacuum pump and with this in mind, we offer on-site Vacuum Pump Servicing.

Having a proactive service schedule will allow you to be proactive in avoiding any unnecessary bear and tear on your pump and this will facilitate a long-life span of the equipment which will be a cost-saving exercise in and of itself. Unplanned downtime as the result of breakages or non-functioning pumps could cost your business more in the long run, with additional costs incurred through the repairing or replacing of your pumps. Not to mention the slowing down of production time, making you potentially unable to meet deadlines and further loosing not only production time, but potentially clients. We all know and understand that while equipment can be maintained and serviced but once a client is lost, that relationship cannot be as easily mended or repaired.

If you are not sure if your vacuum pump is working in to optimum levels of performance, IBS offers energy consumption audits which will help to identify whether your machinery is out-putting at maximum capacity or if there is the proverbial “slow-leak” which is draining your system of its full potential. Just as your employees require a break from their work in order to function better, remember to service your vacuum pumps and assess their functionality regularly.